Monday, December 01, 2008

Stardate -314081.9741069622

Let me tell me about a little thing called "The Worst Day I've Had in France." It started on the 27th of November. I had to wake up very early for my early class, which was not bad since I have been doing it for my sojourn in France thus far. The 45 second walk to the Metro was normal and nothing uneventful happened. However, once on the train, an announcer came over the speakers to tell us that there were some technical difficulties. This concerned me a little because there is no driver for this train. It is all automatic. Anyways, three minutes later, we were on our way. When we pulled up to the next stop, the platform was completely packed with people!! I just thought to myself, "Damnit!" I hate it when the Metro is so packed you cannot even breathe, but I guess that is just life.

We pulled into the station where I transfer and as I was walking up the stairs, which happened to be a stopped escalator....and whoops, I tripped right up those stairs! I was so embarassed, but I think I played it off really well and did not stop the foot traffic. It is going to take a little bit more than that to trample me French commuters! As I pulled myself up and continued on my way, I said to myself, "You know Vince, I think it's just going to be one of those days."

The day went on pretty well. My throat started to hurt due to some pretty heinous post nasal drip, but I did not let that stop me. Later, I went to one of my classes, and, for whatever reason imaginable, I was sitting in the wrong room! I was so embarassed! There were students standing outside saying, "I think you are in the wrong room," in broken English of course. Not the worst thing, but it just had to happen on that day!

Seeing as how I moved into my apartment the day before, I decided I should purchase some sort of bedding. So, I went to my local Carrefour, which is the Wal-Mart equivalent. I spent a really long time looking at stuff to buy because, I mean, I have to sleep on this stuff. Turns out, I just picked the cheapest stuff there and nothing really matches consequently. Here's where the good stuff really happens.

I walked up to a checkout line that said, "Caisse Pass," which is for people who only have a Carrefour card. The cashier saw me and asked me a question I really didn't understand, so I smiled and slowly backed away. I stepped to the next lane, and this was "Caisse Pass" and "Carte Bancaire." I said to myself, "Well, I think I have one of those!" However, this did not stop the pushy Carrefour employees from interrogating my means of payment; and this time, it was a duo! It was a manager training the new guy. So, the manager asked me question, but I could not hear her, so I asked her again, and she came out and asked me how I was paying. I was confused so I said my credit card and she asked me something else and I confirmed and she was satisfied with that.

5 minutes later, the time came for my items to be scanned. Everything was going to plan, but the cashier just stopped half way through and was told me the total of half of my items. I pointed to the rest of the items and was so hot (it was about 73 degrees celsius) and flustered I could not think of the words to communicate. He understood my arachaic form of communication and continued scanning. At this point, the manager noticably laughing and I just ignored her. The transaction was almost complete and the cashier asked me a question to the likes of, "parquer." Now, this is not even French French, this is Canadian French. Ol' dude thought I was Canadian!! It was during this time that the manager just lost it and burst out laughing and said, "He's not Canadian! He doesn't even speak French!"

I mean damn bitch! She did NOT have to call me out like that! Whatever, I just paid and left very frustrated and very embarassed.

Now, you must be thinking to yourself, this sordid tale must be over! What more can this poor soul take in one day? Well, I finally got back on the Metro to go home, which was way packed of course because everyone is trying to go home. I was OK with that, but on the way to one of the stops, the lights turned out and the train SLAMMED on the brakes! EVERYONE, inlcuding myelf, went flying forward! I was just like, "What the hell!!??" An announcer came on and said there was an accident at another stop, which we were not heading.

I made it home shortly thereafter, thank Yahweh. I unpacked my shit, curled up, and pretended I was someone else for the rest of night. I guess it could have been worse for the worst day in France haha!

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